Trade Secret on how designers can forecast upcoming trends and how we know what new elements will be emerging.

We, designers are always trying to be "one step ahead"; constantly searching for new and different items and forecasting new trends & products. Basically, staying on top of what is happening in the fashion and home furnishings world. This way we can design with a fresh approach for our clients.
So, how do designers know what styling is upcoming or what new direction will be emerging? We follow the home furnishings industry through all of the national and global markets & trade shows. At these markets manufacturers "test" or showcase the latest designs that will be upcoming and emerging within the next year.
Designers can get a sense of what will be available and where the trends are headed. New styles, finishes, colors, and patterns are showcased as well as any new technologies and features. So attending these markets really gives designers a window into what to expect and what the home consumer will begin to see in the near future (and how we can plan that into our designs).